Peterson Chiropractic believes in the value of chiropractic care for you and your family. We are one of the most affordable practices in the Salem/Keizer area. We have created a pricing structure that is flexible enough to allow you to obtain the chiropractic care you need.
You may be experiencing back pain, neck pain, headaches, or even muscular tightness and tension. You may be searching for pain relief after an auto or work accident that resulted in an injury. If you suffer from a specific condition like chronic back pain or a spinal condition and want relief, call 503-371-4055 and schedule your appointment.
If you have not been to a chiropractor before and want to find out more, please call 503-371-4055 to receive the answers to your questions and/ or to schedule an appointment.
Same day appointments can usually be accommodated but you must call in the morning.
At your first visit to Peterson Chiropractic, Dr. Peterson will explain how chiropractic care works and give you an evaluation. If our chiropractic solutions are a good fit to address your needs, then we will offer a plan of care for your condition
March 22, 2016